University Success

Session Details

University Success

Timing: School Year

Duration: Semester

Dorm Experience: Yes

Our ANSEP University Success component is an academic learning community composed of students, faculty, staff, and external partners who are focused on the academic success as well as the personal and professional development of each student. Students are co-enrolled in classes, participate in organized study groups, have opportunities for peer and professional mentoring, do undergraduate research projects, work summer internships, and participate in planned group social activities. Students meeting the ANSEP University Success good standing requirements are eligible for scholarships.

ANSEP University Success supports students in Bachelor of Science STEM degree programs as well as Bachelors of Business Administration programs. Click here to explore all of the supported degree programs.

For more information, UAA students can contact Charles Panigeo at or (907)-786-0899 and UAF students can contact Stephanie Fain at or 907-474-7610.

Contact Information

For more information please contact:

Charles Panigeo

University Success Director – University of Alaska Anchorage
Phone: (907)-786-0899

Kengo Nagaoka 

Student Success Manager – University of Alaska Anchorage

Click here to schedule an appointment

Brian Rasley, Ph.D.

University Success Director – University of Alaska Fairbanks

Phone: (907)-474-5029

Stephanie Fain

Program Manager – University of Alaska Fairbanks
Phone: 907-474-7610

University Success Details

University Success Includes:

Weekly ANSEP Meetings. Students are required to attend weekly team building meetings where STEM professionals describe their jobs and the opportunities available in engineering and science. Students share their internship or research experiences. The sessions also provide a networking opportunity for the students with professionals, faculty, staff, and the other students.

Recitation Sessions. ANSEP students are required to participate in weekly study groups. Recitation Sessions are designed to strengthen skills in the gateway courses like calculus, chemistry, computer programming, and physics. Junior, Senior, and graduate students who have previously completed the course with a grade of ‘B’ or better lead the sessions. Students are required to participate and solve problems on the board and be able to explain what they are doing to the other students in the session. 

Co-Enrollment. Students are co-enrolled in all of their classes so there is always another ANSEP student to attend classes and study with. 

Internships. Summer internships are required in order for students to earn money for school, clarify their vision of a career in science or engineering, expand their professional network, and be exposed to additional mentoring opportunities. Internships are productive for the employer and educational for the student.

Research. Research opportunities are available to students through university faculty and industry partner organizations. We work to connect each of our students with undergraduate research opportunities, and foster mentoring relationships with current PhD candidates and research faculty. We encourage students to have one of their summer internships involve working with research scientists.

Scholarships. Merit based scholarships are provided by many of our industrial partners. Scholarships play an important role in retention, since many of our students would otherwise be unable to overcome the financial hurdles presented by the costs of education.

Housing. ANSEP students live together in the ANSEP dorm located in UAA’s North Hall.  

ANSEP Building. In October 2006 ANSEP moved into a new 13,000 square foot building with a Tlingit dugout canoe design. The ANSEP Building is the center for ANSEP University Success efforts including academic recitations, peer study groups, career awareness and skill building, peer mentoring, events, activities and other academic and support services.

Student Activities. Planned activities deepen the bond that is so important to student success. This includes activities like hiking, bowling, overnight camping trips, movies, rock climbing, and other activities the students choose. AISES or other professional society membership is required of all students to help them develop a network beyond the university.

Advising. Academic advising available to all ANSEP students with ANSEP Student Success Manager(s).

Good Standing Requirements for ANSEP University Success Students

Click here to view ANSEP’s Good Standing Expectations.

  1. Be admitted and enrolled full-time, pursuing a BS degree in an approved science, technology, engineering, mathematics (STEM) major, or a BBA in an approved business major at the University of Alaska.
  2. Complete a minimum of 12 credits ANSEP-approved credits every semester with a grade of “C” or higher in each course, while maintaining a 2.5 or higher (term and cumulative) GPA. These credits must apply towards your degree – other courses that do not count toward your degree requirements WILL NOT count as approved credits.
  3. Attend and participate in ALL weekly ANSEP meetings. Note: ANSEP does not meet during University holidays/closures (ex: winter & summer breaks) or during finals week.
  4. Participate in ALL scheduled recitations/study groups offered for your enrolled math, science, and engineering classes every week. Recitations are scheduled at the beginning of each semester and should begin after the second week of classes.
  5. Successfully complete an ANSEP-approved summer 8-week internship. ANSEP Staff will notify you by email regarding potential summer placements during the academic school year. Please provide ANSEP with your preferred email address and an updated resume every year.
  6. Join at least one student professional chapter club related to STEM or your degree program. (Examples are: AISES, ASCE, ASME, IEEE, ITE, etc.)
  7. UAA only: Review the ANSEP Building Afterhours Use Rules and complete an ANSEP Building Use Agreement. Students cannot gain after-hours access to the ANSEP Building without first joining ANSEP and passing a background check.
Advising Resources


Schedule an appointment with Kengo

Find your Major Advisor


Schedule an appointment with Stephanie
Phone: 907-474-7610

Find your Advisor(s)

All UA Campuses:

GPA Calculator (Use only for estimates)

If you are a current ANSEP university student and are interested in the ANSEP Study Away Scholarship, click here.

Criteria for University Success: Student Contract