Stephanie Nelson

Barrow, Alaska As a high school student born and raised in Barrow, Stephanie Nelson didn’t focus much on extra curricular activities outside of basketball and wasn’t sure what she wanted to do upon graduation. Then, during her senior year of high school, Stephanie applied for ANSEP’s Summer Bridge program and landed an internship with the […]

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Jace Lovell

Fairbanks, Alaska Jace Lovell’s ANSEP journey began during his sophomore year at the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) with the University Success component. From the moment his friend introduced him to ANSEP, Jace says hasn’t looked back. Born and raised in Fairbanks, Jace received his mechanical engineering degree earlier this year from UAF with the […]

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Audrey Alstrom

Alakanuk, Alaska Audrey Alstrom, Yup’ik, grew up in the rural village of Alakanuk on the Yukon River. Today, Audrey is not only an ANSEP alumna, she is inspiring the future generation of Alaskan scientists and engineers as the regional director of ANSEP middle school components. “What I love about working with middle school students is […]

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Tristan Burkett

Palmer, Alaska School is back in session, and, for University of Alaska mechanical engineering freshman Tristan Burkett, that means his first week as a full-time college student. For some 18-year-olds, this might be a scary experience. However, Tristan says he feels more prepared than ever thanks to a couple of summers well spent at ANSEP […]

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Tehya Tucker

Nome, Alaska Tehya Tucker, Inupiaq, was born and raised in Nome, Alaska, by her hard-working father who has always pushed her to achieve greatness despite any obstacles that stood in her way. While Tehya has always been interested in math, it wasn’t until she attended her first ANSEP Middle School Academy that she realized she […]

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Michael Nabers

Wainwright, Alaska Michael (Mike) Nabers is from Wainwright, Alaska, a small town of about 500 people near Barrow in the North Slope Borough. Growing up attending school in Anchorage and spending summers in his hometown, Mike never pictured himself as an engineer. In fact, he planned to join the armed services after high school in […]

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Michael Ulroan

Chevak, Alaska “Nothing can stop me from reaching my goals.” These are the words that ANSEP Acceleration Academy Regional Director Michael Ulroan has engrained in his mind since he was a college student. An avid runner, Michael first recalls reciting this mantra when he was training for a half marathon on St. Paul Island while […]

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Sterling Rearden

Bethel, Alaska Sterling Rearden, pictured above at his first paid internship with BP Exploration Alaska through ANSEP’s Summer Bridge component. For 29-year-old ANSEP alum Sterling Rearden, receiving the 2016 Alaska Oil & Gas Association Rising Star Award was simply a result of living out his passion for engineering, staying true to his culture and giving […]

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Jordan Batac

Anchorage, Alaska Spend just five minutes with Jordan Batac, and a couple of things will quickly become apparent – she has a true passion for life and is very grateful for her family, friends and others who have guided her along the path toward academic success. Like many of her ANSEP peers, when Jordan earned […]

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