Baxter Bond

Tununak, Alaska For Baxter Bond, a Yup’ik student from Tununak studying at the University of Alaska Fairbanks, the biggest challenge so far has been being away from home. Baxter grew up very close to his family and says it takes patience and strength to be away from home for so long, but fortunately he has […]

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Matt Calhoun

Homer, Alaska School can be tough. College can be tougher. After dropping out of college just after his first year on the east coast, Matt Calhoun will be the first to tell you he never imagined he would become an engineer, let alone a university professor. Matt is Athabaskan Indian with family ties in Holy […]

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Frederick Coolidge and Joseph Lopez

Aleknagik and Wasilla, Alaska Frederick Coolidge (right) and Joseph Lopez (left) graduated from different high schools, but both plan to attend the University of Alaska Anchorage this fall. Over the summer they came together as part of Summer Bridge, a competitive internship component of the Alaska Native Science & Engineering Program (ANSEP). Frederick, who is from […]

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Flora Andrews

Anchorage, Alaska For many kids, the summer after high school graduation is a time to take a break. However, for those involved with ANSEP’s Summer Bridge component, the summer after graduation provides an opportunity to prepare for their future and take advantage of a one-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Flora Andrews, South Anchorage High School graduate, is one […]

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Tamija Woods

Anchorage, Alaska Math. A four-letter word typically followed by a sigh and the first dreadful thought in a high school student’s mind each morning. Just how do you use sine, cosine and tangent to calculate the side length of a right triangle? If you ask Tamija Woods, she’ll tell you that she used to think […]

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Byron Nicholai

Toksook Bay, Alaska Last week, Byron Nicholai delivered a heartfelt performance as he shared his personal story and legend of his Yup’ik ancestors to students from across Alaska currently participating in ANSEP summer components. Among those in the crowd were more than 100 middle and high school students as well as those transitioning into University […]

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Mattias Hautala

Kwethluk, Alaska When budget cuts hit Mt. Edgecumbe High School in 2014, Mattias Hautala, among many other academically advanced students, lost the opportunity to take the college courses in Sitka, Alaska. This is just one of the many reasons why students in rural Alaska struggle to earn college degrees. These educational challenges often carry over […]

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