All ANSEP students in good standing are eligible to apply to ANSEP for scholarship funding to support attendance in study away programs.
For ANSEP students in good standing, the student’s regular ANSEP scholarship allotment can be used towards the study away program. For ANSEP scholars, a maximum of $7,500 per semester can be requested to offset costs towards the study away program. If the program is during the summer, a maximum scholarship of $5,000 can be requested to offset costs towards the study away program. In addition, all ANSEP university students in good standing my apply for additional travel costs to attend the program.
Interested students need to apply to both the UA Study Away Program and the ANSEP Study Away Scholarship.
Apply here for the study abroad program through the University of Alaska!
Click here for the National University of Alaska Anchorage Study Away Program.
Click here for the National University of Alaska Fairbanks Study Away Program.
Click here for the International University of Alaska Anchorage Study Away Program.
Click here for the International University of Alaska Fairbanks Study Away Program.
Apply here for the ANSEP Study Away Scholarship!
- To apply, ANSEP students must submit an essay and a detailed budget (click here to view a sample budget). The essay should not be more than one page in length and describe how the study abroad program will benefit their academic career and the ANSEP community. The budget must clearly identify the total costs including what the student is paying, what ANSEP is paying, and what other scholarships are available.
- Fill out the application form here.
Who is eligible?
ANSEP Students in good standing. ANSEP University Success students in good standing must:
1. Be admitted and enrolled full-time, pursuing a 4-year BS degree in an approved science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM) major or Bachelor of Business degree at the University of Alaska.
2. Complete a minimum of 12 ANSEP-approved credits every semester with a grade of “C” or higher in each course, while maintaining a 2.5 or higher (term and cumulative) GPA. These credits must apply towards your STEM degree – other courses not related to STEM that do not help you achieve your approved 4-year STEM degree WILL NOT count as approved credits.
3. Attend and participate in ALL weekly ANSEP meetings. Note: ANSEP does not meet during University holidays/closures (ex: winter & summer breaks) or during finals week.
4. Participate in ALL scheduled recitations/study groups offered for your enrolled math, science, engineering, and/or business classes every week. Recitations are scheduled at the beginning of each semester and should begin after the second week of classes.
5. Successfully complete an ANSEP-approved summer 8-week internship. ANSEP Staff will notify you by email regarding potential summer placements during the academic school year. Please provide ANSEP with your preferred email address and an updated resume every year.
6. If you have not successfully completed an ANSEP Pre-College component (Middle School Academy, Acceleration Academy or Summer Bridge) you must successfully complete a UAA general education requirement (GER).
7. Join at least one student professional chapter club related to STEM. (Examples are: AISES, ASCE, ASME, AFS, IEEE, ITE, etc.)
8. Prepare a poster presentation of the internship/research you completed the summer prior. Details to be found on the website.
9. UAA only: Review the ANSEP building use rules and complete the ANSEP Building Use Agreement. Students cannot gain after-hour access to the ANSEP Building without first joining ANSEP and passing a background check.
When do I Apply?
Students must apply to ANSEP by February 15 for the summer semester, March 1 for the fall semester, and October 1 for the spring semester.
How long may I study away?
The program may be domestic or international and can be one or two semesters.
Where can I study away?
The study abroad program must be within the universities that are in partnership with UA to ensure credits are accepted.
What types of travel costs may be covered?
In addition to the ANSEP scholarship, all ANSEP students will be provided one round trip ticket to and from the university that they are attending. If a student is attending over two semesters, a maximum of two round trip tickets to and from the university that they are attending may be provided. Participants my travel with up to two bags and costs for transportation to and from the airport will be provided. Travel insurance will also be covered. The cost of the ticket(s) must be approved and commensurate with CONCUR travel rates.
Does the host university need to have my specific major?
No, as long as the classes will transfer over and will apply towards the degree.
Am I required to live on campus at the host university?
It is your decision if you would like to live on campus or not (some schools do not have housing; other schools REQUIRE you to live on campus.)
Can I apply to additional scholarship opportunities outside of the ANSEP scholarships?
Yes, this is encouraged.
Can a summer away substitute for an ANSEP internship?
If applying to the summer semester, and in lieu of a summer internship, students must be scheduled to graduate within the following two semesters.
Will I still be eligible for the PFD?
The Permanent Fund Division may ask for proof that you were absent from Alaska for educational purposes when you apply for your PFD. Students must submit an Education Verification Form (AK PFD form #04304) directly to either the UAA or UAF Registrar’s Office for processing. The form will be processed and sent directly to the AK Department of Revenue PFD Division within 3 business days. The Registrar’s Office will not send the form back to the student.
Contact Us
For more information, contact Charles Panigeo at or (907)-786-0899.