Brandon Bachman is Yup’ik, grew up in Haines, Alaska and his family is from Kwigillingok. In 2012, he first joined ANSEP as a high school student and completed his computer build. The following year, he participated in ANSEP’s Summer Bridge component and then immediately began attending UAA: University of Alaska Anchorage as a University Success student!
For Brandon’s Summer Bridge internship, he had the opportunity to work with Shell Oil, helping update the company’s contingency response plans in the emergency response department. Then, as a University Success student, he interned with the Alyeska Pipeline Service Company in cyber security, IT, operations, HR systems and data analytics departments.
In 2021, Brandon graduated from UAA with a B.S. in Computer Systems Engineering and a minor in Computer Science! Thanks to his experience working with the Alyeska Pipeline, Brandon was able to land his current position as a Systems and Analytics Analyst.
Klinton Douglas VanWingerden is Aleut from Wasilla and his mother grew up in the village of Old Harbor on Kodiak Island. He first joined ANSEP as a University Success student pursuing his Bachelors of Science in Electrical Engineering degree and, in 2007, Klinton was the first UAA: University of Alaska Anchorage ANSEP graduate! Through scholarships and networking relationships, he now works his dream job at Alyeska Pipeline Service Company as a Marine Terminal Operations and Maintenance Director.
ANSEP equipped Klinton with the tools necessary to focus on his studies, graduate with an engineering degree, and create networks within Alaska’s engineering industry that has progressed into landing his current position. He now has children in elementary and middle school that will participate in ANSEP opportunities!
“All of us Alumni are ambassadors to the blessing ANSEP has been for all of us in landing careers that will positively impact our families, communities, industry, state, nation, and the world, “said Klinton, “I’m very proud to point potential ANSEP students to the program that has been such a blessing to me and my family and will continue to do so as I interface with communities across the state.”
Meet Randolph Samuel (Sam) Bailey from Unalakleet! He is Iñupiaq and first joined ANSEP in 2002 as a University Success student. He interned at the Alyeska Pipeline and then later worked with United Utilities in 2007 before he graduated the following year from UAA: University of Alaska Anchorage with his B.S. in Electrical Engineering.
After Sam graduated, he was immediately recruited by Tracey Mueller, former ANSEP Director and current Employee Relations & Recruiting Manager at the Alyeska Pipeline Service Company. He currently works as an Automation Engineering Supervisor and in 2021 he was named the Atigun Awards Engineer of the Year for his acumen and leadership!
Previously a mathematics teacher for seven years, engineering was Sam’s second career and degree. This transition was made easier through ANSEP’s community of like minded peers, resources and recitations. The network of students enabled Sam to succeed in his courses and provided the foundation for him to be an essential engineer at Alyeska!
His journey to his current position was made possible through ANSEP opportunities and to this day, Sam is still actively involved and helps our students in calculus and math classes. From paid internships and networking, to scholarships and recitions, ANSEP has provided a path to success from his first day as an ANSEP student over 20 years ago. As Sam always says, “If you have the will to succeed, ANSEP will provide the means.”
Meet ANSEP Alumni, Joseph Glasheen from Bethel, Alaska! An ANSEP University Success student since 2014, Joseph’s first internship was with the Alyeska Pipeline as a Project Engineer in 2016 and the following summer he interned with BP as a Discipline Engineer. He attended UAA: University of Alaska Anchorage, graduated in May 2018 with a major in Mechanical Engineering and a minor in Mathematics, and now works at Alyeska Pipeline Service Company as a Modification Engineer!
Prior to graduating from UAA, Joseph received a full time offer from BP to be a Discipline Engineer where he supported their Gulf of Mexico operations based in Houston, Texas. After four years there, his family moved back to Alaska and he was offered a position with the Alyeska Pipeline, ANSEP’s founding partner. These job offers and opportunities were a direct result of his previous internship experiences and his continuous networking done in the ANSEP community!
“ANSEP helped me achieve my goals with financial support, and the platform to have a polished resume right out of college,” said Joseph, “This definitely helped pave the way for my career thus far, and I know it will continue to help me achieve my future goals.”
Kenneth William Wolkoff, ANSEP Alumni, is Sugpiaq from Kodiak Island and first joined ANSEP in 2008! After completing the computer build, he joined the Acceleration Academy and completed Calculus I and Intro to Engineering as a high school student. He then became a Summer Bridge student and interned with BP’s drilling department where he worked on projects that determined which drilling rigs could work on specific drilling locations. Afterwards, Kenneth transitioned into the University Success component where he assisted Summer Bridge students with BP internships and worked on the slope, performing battery room walk downs and creating tracking methods and databases.
In 2014, Kenneth graduated from UAA: University of Alaska Anchorage with a Bachelor’s of Science in Engineering degree (with a focus on Electrical Engineering) and immediately began working at BP as an instrumentation and control engineer. After BP sold in 2020, Alyeska Pipeline Service Company had a relevant position open, and through industry networking and ANSEP connections, Kenneth was able to land his current role as an Automation Engineer!
Kenneth says ANSEP helped him achieve his goals through networking opportunities and enabled him to work in positions that were both challenging and interesting. “It’s a lot of work and responsibility,” said Kenneth, “But you’ll get more out of it than you put in.”