
Our program is rooted in Alaska Native values, and we continue to celebrate and share Alaska Native culture as a key component of our program. ANSEP is available to every student in Alaska.

Started in 1995 as a scholarship program for university students, ANSEP has evolved into a sequential education model that provides a continuous string of components beginning with students in kindergarten and continuing through middle and high school, into science and engineering undergraduate and graduate degree programs through to the PhD.  ANSEP students at every level are successful at rates far exceeding national and state numbers. We provide inspiration, guidance, and opportunity for students from over 100 Alaskan communities. We have arrived at this model after nearly 30 years of effort, with the awareness that a fragmented approach that focuses on one academic level is not adequate to deal with the scope of the problem and ultimately falls short.

More than 100 corporations, philanthropic organizations, state and federal agencies, universities, high schools, and middle schools support our work.

Nearly 2,500 Alaska middle school students, high school students, and university students are involved.


  • improves academic outcomes,
  • eliminates the need for university remediation and associated costs for government and families,
  • increases retention,
  • saves students and their families three years or more years of college tuition and living expenses,
  • saves the state millions in government funding by reducing time to degree.